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                                               was developed in the UK in 2014 by Shannon Douglas.  Shannon is a registered hypnotherapist, advanced EFT practitioner and integrated holistic wellness consultant.  Whilst she was in the UK she was a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners, enabling her to take GP referrals.


Shannon had been providing hypnotherapy and EFT for weight loss since 2007.  Understanding that some things work for some people some of the time, but not all people all of the time, she wanted to offer something that could.  So she asked questions, she surveyed people to find out what they wanted and needed to help them lose weight and keep it off.


The programme evolved out of Shannon's desire to help people achieve a more holistically balanced life. Her objective is to help people improve and maintain their quality of life by providing the expertise necessary to help them make an informed decision about their health and wellness protocols.  Helping people to master an area of their life that they used to find difficult and who they become in the process and empower them to transform their own lives.


She combined all her knowledge and experience and most importantly what ‘you’ want from a weight loss programme, and  Programme Slim, the personalised, non diet, holistic, weight loss & wellness programme, evolved.


To find out more about Shannon see her LinkedIn profile 


​What is Wellness?

Wellness can be described as a state that combines health and happiness – or the conscious pursuit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle that results in an overall feeling of well-being and a direction in progress toward an ever-higher potential of functioning.  ï»¿

The term has been defined as “an active process of becoming aware of and making choices for a better quality of life”.


Wellness is ‘health’ care without medication, which can not only eliminate health problems, but also prevent them. It involves managing both the mind and body states after the basic needs of food, shelter and basic medical care have already been met.



What is the Holistic Approach?


Holism relates to how physical, mental and emotional elements are interconnected. The general principle of holism was summarized by Aristotle as "The whole is more than the sum of its parts". When one part of the body or mind is out of balance, it is believed to affect the person as a whole.


The holistic approach therefore focuses on the whole person rather than just on the condition or part of the body that is not balanced; addressing the ‘cause’ of the issue rather than simply just the ‘symptoms’.  Therefore creating a positive synergising effect in both mind and body, in order to promote optimal health and wellness.



What is Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy?


Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness which involves deep focused attention, bringing about a level of awareness different from the ordinary conscious state.  It is a completely natural state of deep relaxation where you remain awake and aware, but switched off to outside influences.  In this state, the conscious mind is suppressed and the subconscious mind is revealed.  Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in a therapeutic context.


Being in the state of hypnosis enables you to:


  •   Achieve an enhanced state of awareness

  •   Bypass conscious critical analysis - of yourself and any issues you may be experiencing

  •   Create a space for transformation


Opening the door to countless possibilities for healing, self-exploration and change.

Contrary to what you may have seen or heard with regards to stage hypnosis (the theatricals of hypnosis), no one else can 'control' your mind. Whilst in a state of hypnosis you do not relinquish control. You do not go 'unconscious' or into an oblivious state where anything could be said or done unbeknown to you.  You cannot be 'made' to reveal any information you do not wish to reveal, do anything against your will, or do or say anything that would interfere with or intrude upon your values or your moral code.   You remain completely in control and aware of what is happening at all times.​  The only changes that will happen are changes that you are ready to make and want to happen.

Through positive suggestions, positive affirmations, visualisation and speaking directly with your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy simply 're-programmes' your self defeating behaviours and limiting beliefs.  


Hypnotherapy is not about mind control, it is about empowerment.


In today's society hypnotherapy has become recognised as one of the most gentle, yet powerful and successful approaches to achieving positive, long lasting and healthy changes.

What is EFT?


EFT is Emotional Freedom Techniques, an emotional version of acupuncture using the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture for thousands of years to treat physical and emotional ailments. But rather than using needles, meridian energy points on your hand, head, face & upper body are stimulated by tapping on them, while tuning into the emotion, thoughts and feelings related to the issue.​  Tapping acts as a circuit breaker on the electromagnetic signal of the stress and diffuses its emotional trigger.
  Stimulating these energy points sends messages to key areas of the brain, influencing the way information is perceived and causing your nervous systems to shift to a state of calm and relaxation.


It is a painless and relaxing method. A therapeutic intervention that relieves physical and emotional pain and collapses toxic memories and dis-empowering beliefs.  It is a quick and effective way of restoring balance and stimulating the body to recover from emotional and physical issues by a​ltering the body's energy field; unblocking the flow, releasing the negative or restricted energy and therefore allowing positive energy to flow through.  â€‹


Clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.  Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself.


​The EFT premise also includes the understanding that the more previously unresolved emotional issues you can clear, the more peace and emotional freedom you will have in your life. 






​​Privacy Policy


In accordance with the Privacy Act 2020


When you book onto the programme, or if you subscribe to our mailing list - either online, at one of our events or at an event we attend - your name, email address and contact number is added to our client database.  We only use these details to contact you about your appointment/s or to send you our newsletter or updates. Should you wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter, there is an unsubscribe option at the bottom of each one.


We keep your contact information, information provided in the client intake form and any other information documented during consultation or at your appointments safe by storing it in a secure electronic file.  We do not obtain any information about you without your knowledge and consent and we strictly do not share your information with anyone else, unless required by law or if you specifically request us to in writing.


You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us.


We keep your information for 2 years from the date of your last appointment or interaction with The Synergy Centre, at which point we securely destroy it by securely erasing/deleting it.


your personalised non-diet holistic weight loss & wellness programme

© 2014 


Website created by AdHoc VA

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